

Tips for Choosing Your Next Garden Container

By Cindy Funes | March 18, 2021

  CONTAINEDBRILLIANCE Ready to Purchase a Container? March is a wonderful month to shop for outdoor containers. Retailers typically have received new arrivals, and offer a  wide selection. Many run beginning-of-the-season sales to help them move product from previous seasons, making for some great value purchasing.  Despite this, in March they aren’t crazy busy with…

Pruning Techniques

Let’s Talk Pruning!

By Cindy Funes | February 26, 2021

  CONTAINEDBRILLIANCE BRRR! It’s cold outside. How are you spending your time during these cold, dark, February days? A fair amount of my time has been spent indoors dreaming up future container plantings for spring, but I’ve also been kicking around my yard, lightly pruning my Diane Witch Hazel, bringing in the branches, and placing…

Beginning the Year with Benefits!

By Cindy Funes | January 18, 2021

  CONTAINEDBRILLIANCE Welcome to 2021! The end of each year lends itself to both reflection and anticipation. An exercise my family enjoys is gathering together on New Year’s day and taking time to reflect on what the best moments of the previous year were, and establish new goals for the upcoming year. By going through…

Hello, I am so happy you’re here!

By Cindy Funes | January 13, 2021

  CONTAINEDBRILLIANCE Welcome to Garden Revelry’s Blog I am writing this with both excitement and trepidation.  You, see, while I’m excited to share all things container gardening with you, writing doesn’t always come easily to me.  I am stepping oustide of my comfort zone, so to speak, to provide insights, tips, resources and inspiration.  Hopefully,…